Richard G. Flood and Ruth A. Schlossberg presented two seminars at the 97th annual Illinois Municipal League Conference. The conference was held at the Hilton Chicago Hotel on

Friday, September 24th and Saturday, September 25th . The two seminars are posted below.

Open Meetings Act & FOIA in the Internet Age

  • Friday, September 24th
  • 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
  • Continental C, Lobby Level, South

The Internet Age – with social media networks, e-mail, discussion boards, and real time chats and conversations among other technologies – is bringing forth a variety of legal issues, especially in regards to public meetings and records. Using realistic hypothetical situations, this program will examine the Open Meetings and Freedom of Information Acts in relation with these technologies.

Municipal Tune-Up

  • Saturday, September 25th
  • 9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
  • Continental B, Lobby Level, South

Municipalities must comply with a myriad of regulatory issues and requirements. The failure to dot the i’s and cross the t’s can lead to litigation and other costly headaches. In this session, Rich and Ruth will identify a “municipal tune-up” that is designed to provide a background to ensure that your municipality is up-to-date and compliant on a host of regulatory and legal issues.