Our Approach
With the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2012 decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act, individuals and businesses inside and outside the healthcare industry increasingly are focusing on how the act and other healthcare-related regulations affect their daily activities.
All companies can benefit from guidance on complying with HIPPA, the HITECH Act, and other privacy regulations, for example.
Two healthcare attorneys at Zukowski, Rogers, Flood & McArdle — Gregory J. Barry and Timothy J. Clifton — together have experience litigating and advising in healthcare and medical-related fields. They understand your business concerns and other challenges in this remarkably regulated area. They also understand the challenges individuals and their families face when dealing with elder law issues that involve medical and other governmental benefits.
In times of uncertain liability and untested governmental enforcement, the healthcare lawyers at McHenry Country’s largest law firm want you to operate your company on the firmest footing possible.

Healthcare & Elder Law Experience
ZRFM’s healthcare lawyers have extensive courtroom experience with health- and medical-related issues. We speak to and advise professionals and businesses on a broad range of topics, including:
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
- Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH)
- medical records and other Protected Health Information (PHI)
- hospital-staff relations
- hospital credentialing
- professional association and hospital fair hearings
- proper medical charting to avoid litigation
- avoiding malpractice claims
- preparing for depositions involving healthcare and medical issues
- best practices for healthcare organizations when responding to attorney communications.
ZRFM’s healthcare attorneys also provide experienced representation and legal advice for nursing homes and long-term care facilities across the counties of Northern Illinois, including McHenry, Lake, Boone, Winnebago, Kane and DuPage.
Contact Us Today
The healthcare attorneys and professionals at Zukowski, Rogers, Flood & McArdle are available to discuss your healthcare regulatory and liability concerns. If you are considering cost-effective legal representation and wish to schedule a meeting at our Crystal Lake office, please visit our contact page to start the process. We will respond promptly.