Kelly A. Cahill, Richard G. Flood and Michael J. Smoron have updated a chapter in the Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education’s second of four volumes on Illinois municipal law. The seventh chapter, titled “Cable and Wireless Communications,” appears in IICLE’s 2011 edition of Annexation, Zoning, and Regulatory Authority.

Among the topics covered by the Zukowski, Rogers, Flood & McArdle partners in the chapter are cable television franchising, cable regulation, FCC jurisdiction, franchise fees, “must carry” rules, wireless communications towers and antennae, restrictions on local governments discriminating unreasonably among providers, the requirement for state and local governments to act in a reasonable time on provider requests, and the supremacy of FCC radio frequency emissions standards.

Cahill, Flood and Smoron write and speak frequently on cable franchise issues, cable television regulation and wireless communications. They also act as special counsel to developers and businesses that are interested in how federal, state and local government laws affect cellular telephone tower and antennae placement. Crystal Lake-based Zukowski, Rogers, Flood & McArdle boasts 19 lawyers, more attorneys than any other McHenry County law firm.