This week, the Illinois House of Representatives passed a bill allowing for the release of funds owed to municipalities. Specifically, the Bill makes appropriations to the Department of Transportation from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund for specified payments to local governments. The Bill also makes appropriations to the Illinois Gaming Board from the State Gaming Fund for distributions to local governments for admissions and wager tax, including prior year costs. Additionally, the Bill also allows for distributions of funds for lottery and emergency service fees.

The Bill passed the House by an overwhelming bipartisan majority, 115 Yeas to 1 Nay.

While this Bill is only a piecemeal release of funds, its passage could bring significant relief to cash-strapped municipalities.

The Bill next moves on to the Illinois Senate, but it is doubtful that there will be any further action before the end of the year as the Senate does not reconvene until January.

We will continue to provide updates on these and other relevant issues as they transpire.