Please be aware of the following dates through April 2013 for a variety of local government matters.
January 20: Last day for a village board or city council to pass a resolution or ordinance for a binding or advisory referendum.
Before January 31: Certificates stating there have been no changes in the ownership or use of property that is exempt from property taxes must be filed with the county clerk.
February 1: The chief administrative officer, or designee, of a unit of government, is required to certify to the county clerk the names and mailing addresses of those persons required to file statements of economic interest, pursuant to the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act.
March 12: Last day to register to vote for the April 9 consolidated election.
March 31: If there have been changes in the zoning map during the previous year, this is the last day for a notice to be published about the changes.
April 1: Last day to file a certified copy of any ordinance or resolution imposing or discontinuing a retailer’s occupation tax (or home rule sales tax), or changing the rate, with the Dept. of Revenue to take effect July 1.
April 30: If your fiscal year starts on May 1 and you have adopted the Optional Budget Officer System in lieu of an appropriation ordinance, the budget for the coming fiscal year must be adopted.
The following do not have specific dates but are ongoing:
At least every six (6) months: review executive session minutes in closed session to see if they can be released to the public. If any minutes can be released, this must be done in open session.
Within thirty (30) days after a bill is received or within thirty (30) days after the date when goods or services are received, whichever is later, the Local Government Prompt Payment Act requires that such bill be approved or disapproved by the appropriate local governmental official. In addition, if an approved bill is not paid within the thirty (30) day period, an interest penalty of 1% of any amount approved and unpaid “shall be added for each month or fraction thereof” until final payment is made.
Thirty (30) days before the passage of a new or amended building code or zoning ordinance that establishes construction-related activities that are applicable to structures within a municipality, notice must be listed at the Illinois Building Commission website.
Before a municipality incorporates, by reference, certain regulations prepared by a nationally recognized trade or service association, such as the International Code Council, and public records (county, state or federal), the regulations must be filed with the clerk for not less than thirty (30) days before adoption.
Within thirty (30) days after the passage of a municipal ordinance that imposes any fine, penalty, imprisonment or forfeiture, or making an appropriation, it must be published in either pamphlet form or in a newspaper with general circulation in the municipality. Ordinances that impose a fine, penalty, etc., are not effective until ten (10) days after publication.